Sunday, April 26, 2009

Katherine's Baptism

Brent and I flew up to Berkeley for about 24 hours, definitely not long enough, but we were finally able to meet Katherine! The entire family was there which always makes it hard to spend "quality" time with everyone.

On Friday night, we went to a comedy club, Tony Rock (Chris Rock's brother) was the main act. It was Jon, Monica, Matt, Alex, Jason (Alex's brother), Brent and I. All I can say is that my face hurt all day Saturday, I was laughing so hard! It's been a long time since I have done a comedy club and forgot how much I enjoyed it. After the club, we met up with Dad and Jeannie for a drink.

The shower was about 11 am on Saturday. Graham and McKenzie came, great to see them! Followed by a lunch before Brent and I had to get back on a plane. With so many people around, I hardly had a chance to steel Katherine away...however, did manage it a few times. Here are a few pictures....As I get more, I will add them.

On the health front, been feeling really worn down the last day or so. I developed a deep chest cough. I am not sure if it is allergies or if this is something I should be concerned about?!? I knocked myself out with Tylenol PM last night about 9pm and slept about 11 hours (sleep usually helps me beat anything). It's 8 pm again and I can hardly keep my eyes open - so something else is going on if I am this tired!! I put in a note to have Dr. Yu (Primary) to call me tomorrow. I want to get my lungs checked asap and get on some meds if need be...can't take any chances, no matter how well my body has been doing.
I will keep you posted.

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