Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The story......

Yesterday was my 31st birthday. I can't believe another year has gone by and so much has changed in these last two years. On my way into work, I was thinking How did I get here? I am a believer that everything in life happens for a reason. There have been many paths, before college; which college will I grad school and my career paths. Some jobs I turned down and others I didn't get. Why did all those things happen? Am I suppose to be right here where I am right now? I just find it oddly ironic, because yesterday turned out to be the next chapter in my life.

Let me start off by saying I was dropping hints. Okay, maybe not hints, more "hey, lets get married" kinda hints. Brent did a really good job of hiding it, that's for sure....especially with his detective fiance' (wow, that's weird to say!) He had just gone to Hawaii and his sister sells jewelry there; engagement rings! I had an idea he might do this, BUT when he got home, he had a bracelet and earrings for me. He definitely threw me off. Then, a week or so goes by and at this point I gave up on the idea that now was the time. Because, if I were him, it would burn a hole in my pocket and I couldn't wait.

Sooooo, Brent asked what I wanted to do for my birthday and I really wanted to go to dinner. He had me pick out a location, Tantalum in Long Beach. Two of our friends Chasity and Dave were thinking about joining us - so that was the first sign, for me, that it wasn't going to happen tonight.

Guess what, they weren't able to join us. (Not sure if that was planned or not, ha).

We were just sitting there, drinking a bottle of wine and just enjoying each others company. I was babbling about some up coming trips I have for work, about he and I wanting to go east in April and just trying to figure out what trips we want to take. I starting talking about a friend's wedding and that just opened the window for him to step in there......

Backing it up a second, Brent wasn't listening at all (so he tells me after). He was just trying to get me to stop talking, so he can find a way to ask me. He had the ring box hidden in his pant leg and my foot was right there by his leg. He was thinking I was going to blow it for him!

Moving on....

The door was opened when I brought up the wedding topic and he said "speaking of weddings....I have something for you". It was so cute. He pushed his chair out... got down on one knee and asked. He was nervous, cute and excited all at the same time. It wasn't something that he drew a lot attention to, because that's not me. He kept it intimate and personal, exactly what I wanted. I was just so happy (no there weren't tears) but all I could do was smile. Our waitress took a few pictures for us, brought us champagne and just allowed us to enjoy the moment.

No, we don't have a, we don't know any details yet. We are just trying to enjoy the ride. Shoot, it took us six and a half years to get to here, don't rush us :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's Official!

and I couldn't be happier!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas/New Years/BCS Game

Where have I been? Lets start at the beginning....Berkeley was great. Nothing like experiencing true "firsts" in someones life. Katherine was full of energy and lots of fun to be around.

Jonny and I took K to her first swim lesson, along with her cousin Allison, and they did fantastic! We had a great crowd with us - Monica, Nancy and Brent...all taking photos and cheering the kids on. It took K a little more time to become comfortable in the water, but about 15 minutes in, she was slapping the water and kicking her feet = priceless.

K's first birthday is coming up and I will do everything I can to be there!

For New Years, Brent and I had some friends over to our place. We have been dog sitting and we aren't really into the going "out" thing anymore. It was much more fun being in our own home, less stressful and we knew our friends could crash if needed. It all turned out great. This is Brent taking Betty (the dog we are sitting) for a run along the bike...good times.

The BCS game....let's just say it didn't turn out like we hoped. Poor Colt McCoy. We had a great time, winning would have been better, but regardless we made some excellent memories. Lara and Greg stayed with us for a few days, of course that was a lot of laughing. Hopefully I will get my butt to Austin in March.

For the first time all treatment, I missed a date. I guess that is what happens when you try to put your life back together. I was suppose to go in for blood work in December and see Dr. Chen. I have scheduled everything for this month, so that will be a good milestone for me. I will get all those results the last week in January. Overall, I have been feeling good. Work has been super stressful, so managing that has been quite a challenge for me. Brent and I started swimming again. It's been great to find a routine and to have an outlet (even if I can only swim ONE speed).