Thursday, December 17, 2009


I feel like the title of my blog isn't appropriate anymore...haven't been good about the DAILY updates. But then again, not sure if I have that much to talk about.

A few weeks back now I had my swine flu shot. Finally made the cut. That all went well, but can't help but read all the news around pros and cons of getting the shot. If my Drs say I should, those are the people I trust! About a week later, I came down with a hefty cold. Took me out for a day or so. No fever, luckily.

On the tail end of the cold I was off to Seattle for work. Was definitely worried traveling would prolong the cold, but thankfully I went to bed at a responsible hour every night. I flew out there on a Tuesday, back Saturday night. I then got on another plan two days later to head to Ohio! Who picks cold states in the winter months, ugh. I got back Saturday.

In those two days between trips, Brent and I got our first Christmas tree! Was great - he was even into it too (very rare). So coming home from Ohio really made the "home" feel like a true home.

Next week we are headed up to Berkeley. Can't wait for some down time, some swim lessons for my niece and some time to read my new Dan Brown book. This is much needed for me.

Just one more meet to get through between now and Tuesday. Good thing its in Long Beach!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I am not sure if anyone reads this anymore, but I am setting some security settings on my account. If you would like to continue to read my blog, or have someone who is benefiting from reading this, please leave a note with your email address and I will add you to the list.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Time for a shot

I was just approved for the H1N1 first I wasn't on the priority list, not sure who is, if I'm not? I guess those preggo people should come before me :)
Either way, I made the cut today and will be going in tomorrow morning. My Oncologist was very adamant about me getting the SHOT and not the nose spray. I think I asked the receptionist about 5 times which version I was getting. No need to put a live disease in me!

Here is a new quote that definitely made me stop and think.....Enjoy!
"For we pay a price for everything we get or take in this world and although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won"
-- Lucille Maude Montgomery

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Living Room = Complete (almost)

We started Friday night and finished Sunday. Another room painted! We have a few areas to touch up, some of the painters tape took off paint, so that will be done this week. We are still waiting for our furniture to arrive. We bought it in the beginning of October, so we are starting to get a little restless with it not being here yet.

Once we have our new couches, we can really get that room set.

Here are some before and after pictures:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dining Room - Done

Just add a little paint and it feels more and more like a home. The dining room is done, next up is the living room. Enjoy!

Dining Room

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's been TOO LONG!

Sorry about that!

So much has happened, I don't even know where to begin. Let's start by telling you that Brent and I bought our first house! We are so excited, we can hardly contain ourselves.

However, you know when you have those people in your lives who no matter what you do, it isn't good enough? It is constant knocks an constant measuring, which isn't called for at all! Well, Brent and I couldn't be happier at how far we have come in the last year! People are thrown challenges all the time and it's where you come out after those challenges that matters. We won't let those people bring us down.....cause shit, a year ago I was just getting out of the hospital and now we have a HOUSE!

We have had visitors every weekend helping us get settled. It feels like every day we are making it more and more our home. Here are some great videos from Katherine's visit to Auntie Erin's house!

Hope you enjoyed them as much as I did!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

More Graham and McKenzie Photos

(Click on title and see the professional slide show)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A little South Carolina Wedding.....Congratulations Em and Shawn!

Enjoy one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever seen!
(Click on the post title to see the photos)

Friday, September 11, 2009

One Year PET/CT = Clear

Couldn't ask for a better day on Wednesday! My Primary Care Dr called with my results. I will see the Oncologist Monday and write more then...cancer free is more and more real every day!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Chocolate Anyone?

So today was my one-year scan. It went off without a hitch, i just had trouble with the not eating thing, man my stomach was making so much noise throughout the entire test today. Between that and not drinking coffee, wasn't a happy camper when I left...and being 90 degrees, ugh, I thought I lived in SoCal!

Anyways, I arrived at 9:15am, had to sign my life away. Wouldn't you think that if you had done this once, they could re-use all the forms I signed last time? I got an IV put in, they inject a sugar substance and then I have to relax for about 45 minutes. They came back with the contrast, today was Chocolate. It really wasn't that bad. I am not sure if it's that my senses aren't as heightened or that it had a slight chocolate taste?!?

I made the mistake of wearing shorts and a tank top to the scan, it is 90 degrees outside, but many was it cold in the scan room. I had a blanket on me, but my hands were completely numb when I was done. From there I went down for my CT scan and more IV iodine. What I find interesting is how "bigger" people get these things done, because my shoulders hardly find in the darn machine. I had to hold on to the sides of my shorts just to fit. I think they should reconsider the size of the tubes!

I was done about noon time and between all the junk I had in me, lack of fluids and food, I couldn't wait to lay down. I won't have the test results until the 14th, so the waiting game begins......

Friday, August 28, 2009


Today is Friday and I can't even tell you how happy I am about that! Some weeks just fly by and others crawl....

I had my blood work taken on Wednesday. Haven't heard anything from Dr. Chen about it, so that's always a good sign. I have by PET scan on Tuesday morning, should be a big day. I will be traveling for work after that and to go to a friends wedding, so I had to move my Doctors appointment from the 8th to the 14th. No big deal, it actually give everyone a little more time to get my results instead of chasing them. Sometimes I can be to on top of things :) As I learn more, I will keep you all posted.

I have a few challenges coming up....first is the Breast Cancer walk. I met a lot of great people during TNT (even thought I didn't have a great experience personally), the people in the program were great. So one of my friends' mom was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I decided to join her team. I am walking in honor of her mom and for my Grandmother (Dot), a three time survivor!!

If you are interested in helping me out, here is the link:

Also, Brent and I are taking on another challenge (I think), the Surf City Half Marathon in February. Mind you, I can't even run a half a mile right now. I can walk and I can walk far, so I figure if I had to, I could walk the entire way. I am doing a 3 mile jog, run route right now. I know I have the mind to do it, just need to get my body ready to do it. My heart still has a long way to give you a reference, I jog about 1/8-1/4th a mile and my heart rate is about 180+. Pretty insane, but that's my reality right now. Brent is very supportive and I make him workout before he "runs" with me. Need to slow him down!!

Here's the most recent picture of Katherine (my niece) playing video games with Jonny...priceless!

That's all for now, more to come next week.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Weddings, travel, weddings and more travel!

I have had some very special people in my life getting cousins, Graham last month and this month David. It was so great to be able to make it and share those days with them!

Before I was in Maine for Dave's wedding I had one of my friends and TYR athletes, Micha Burden's wedding, here in Huntington Beach. Actually, they were married in Bali (Jealous?), but they did a reception here...aren't they beautiful!!

Dave's wedding was an adventure, because I was in Seattle for work. I flew into Boston on Thursday night, thank goodness Colleen was there to rescue me and let me come to her place to crash. Brent came and picked me up Friday morning as we embarked on our 5 hour journey to Brooklin, Maine. When we arrive at the Eggemoggin Inn, this is what we see:

Rough, I know!

We were able to see the family, hang out and just be. It was very much enjoyed. Jon, Brent and I thought it would be a great idea to go swimming on Saturday morning, before the wedding. We arrive on the end of the dock, suits and all and touch the water - it was about 60 degrees. We QUICKLY changed our minds! The wedding was beautiful. It was on Jane's family's property and I couldn't of imagined a more perfect venue. Here are some pictures from Dave and Jane's wedding:

I was up in Seattle for the US Open before and after Dave's wedding and I was able to see Jessica and Donovan (I don't have a photo from that trip yet, but we did take one). Even though I have been all over the place, each of the stops brought me around the people I care the most about, and that makes it all worth it!

I have come down with a little cold, so taking these few days off, trying to keep it as "little" as I can. I have my PET scan coming up on September 1st, it's a big one. ONE YEAR MARK! I got a nice bill in the mail for it too, $5,000...don't worry, I am sorting it out. It is much easier to deal with them when I'm not 100% drugged on Chemo :) I'll keep you posted on this next round of tests as well as billing. I won't see Dr. Chen until September 8th, so that will be the big day. Keep your fingers crossed.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Long time....

It's been a long time, sorry about that. I didn't think anyone read this anymore (my life isn't that interesting), until I run into people and they miss it. So here it is.
Let's start with the most recent. Just got back from Graham and McKenzie's wedding in NorCal. Great day and was so great to see the family, especially Katherine!! Here are some photos:

Before that, I was in Indy for World Championship trials. Guess who came to visit?!?! Bethany and Marley. I was SO excited. They figured if I was coming part way across the country, it was time for me to meet Miss. Marley.

Aren't we cute?!? Okay, she's cute, I am just a filler or holder.

Other then that. I am doing well. All my counts are good. A scan will be coming up in a few weeks, full body. I get worn out easily with all the traveling, so I am happy about being home for a few weeks. Brent and I are "trying" to buy a place. It has definitely added some stress in our lives. Hopefully that will be over soon and we will have a place, if not, it wasn't meant to be.

Hope you all are well.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Do you ever have those days where life just goes by you so fast. I feel like I am living in a life of complete stress and even though I am taking some time for myself (for the first time in my life), I still can't get ahold of myself? Work is stressful, just have so many things going on. Brent and I are 'trying' to buy our first house and the Orange County real estate isn't something that is easy to break into.

Being diagnosed with Cancer is hard, but trying to get your life back seems almost harder. I tried diving into spin classes and full on working out only to get pushed back with pneumonia. I can tell my body still isn't back to "normal" and sometimes I question if it will ever.

Today I am going in for my monthly blood work. I think that is the reason for digging up some feelings, sorry about that. I guess it will be a long time before this chapter is truly closed in my life.....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bermuda Pictures

Amazing, that's all I can say.....

Monday, May 18, 2009

Grand Canyon!

Sorry for so many, out of order pictures...but with over 300 of them, it took me a while. Enjoy!

(Sorry, you'll have to cut and paste this into a new browser)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Red Sox Pictures.......

It's too bad they didn't win...but it's always fun watching them play!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day!

We decided to do something different for Mother's Day and do something we haven't ever done. We drive by the exit almost every weekend, yet we never stop. I am feeling strong enough - so we decided to go for it. The San Diego Wild Animal Park! We look over 100 pictures, so I tried to just capture a few of them....

There are a lot of things coming up for me....Red Sox game on Wednesday night. Can't miss a chance to see the Sox out west! I am going with Dad, Brent and a co-worker, Patricia.

Then on Thursday morning, Brent and I are heading to the GRAND CANYON! Can you believe it's here already. We have been training for 14 weeks with Team in Training and we are really excited. We will post pictures as soon as we get back.

Brent is still a few hundred dollars shy of his goal, so if you want to make a small donation, he'd greatly appreciate it!!

On the health front, I have a slight cough left, but miles ahead of where I was. I went for a little swim today, nothing major. Want to make sure my lungs are ready for the altitude in the Grand Canyon.

Hope you all are well!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


It's official, I have Pneumonia. I knew I wasn't feeling right and it all started this weekend. I thought I was just run down, but progressively got worse. I went into my primary care on Monday morning and she took a chest xray. I really appreciate everything Dr. Yu does and she always examines all directions. She thought it was just allergies....but sent my chest xray off to a radiologist just to be sure. I got the results back today - they saw spotting on the left lung, behind my heart. It's Pneumonia! I am starting antibiotics today, so hope to feel better real soon....

One day at a time, right???

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Katherine's Baptism

Brent and I flew up to Berkeley for about 24 hours, definitely not long enough, but we were finally able to meet Katherine! The entire family was there which always makes it hard to spend "quality" time with everyone.

On Friday night, we went to a comedy club, Tony Rock (Chris Rock's brother) was the main act. It was Jon, Monica, Matt, Alex, Jason (Alex's brother), Brent and I. All I can say is that my face hurt all day Saturday, I was laughing so hard! It's been a long time since I have done a comedy club and forgot how much I enjoyed it. After the club, we met up with Dad and Jeannie for a drink.

The shower was about 11 am on Saturday. Graham and McKenzie came, great to see them! Followed by a lunch before Brent and I had to get back on a plane. With so many people around, I hardly had a chance to steel Katherine away...however, did manage it a few times. Here are a few pictures....As I get more, I will add them.

On the health front, been feeling really worn down the last day or so. I developed a deep chest cough. I am not sure if it is allergies or if this is something I should be concerned about?!? I knocked myself out with Tylenol PM last night about 9pm and slept about 11 hours (sleep usually helps me beat anything). It's 8 pm again and I can hardly keep my eyes open - so something else is going on if I am this tired!! I put in a note to have Dr. Yu (Primary) to call me tomorrow. I want to get my lungs checked asap and get on some meds if need be...can't take any chances, no matter how well my body has been doing.
I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It has been one year...

So one year ago today was the day that changed my life. It's been a long year and one that has changed me forever....

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Newport Beach

Brent's cousin Steven is dating a girl named Tara....Steven lives in San Francisco and Tara lives in LA. They are taking turns visiting each other but every time Steven comes down to LA, we get to see him! We saw him for St. Patrick's Day and again yesterday in Newport.
Tara rented a Duffy Boat, a party boat, that holds about 12 people. You can bring your own food and beverages and I think each of the 11 people on the boat brought at least 1 bottle of wine, ha!
We were out on the water for just about 2 hours and I definitely found some future homes for myself. Now I just have to figure out HOW I am going to get 6 million dollars cash, anyone?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dad's Birthday begins

So my father is turning the big 6-0 this year, so we thought we would start off his birthday celebrations in style....a Red Sox game! We went on Saturday and it was the Sox first win of the season. I think we brought them some luck!! Here are some pictures from the game.

We will have some more things going on closer to his birthday, it's not for another week or so :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Colleen was in town

Colleen was in LA for an event, so we all got together for a little while...never long enough!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So what have I been doing??

That seems to be the common question lately and to be perfectly honest, I have no idea. The news of still being cancer free has set in and I am much more relieved as the days go by. Traveling has slowed down a bit so I am able to actually plan some real vacation time.
Next on my agenda is Berkeley!! It's Katerine's Baptism! she is!

Next will be the Grand Canyon (May 16th weekend) for Brent and my big Team in Training adventure. Here we are on one of our last hikes:
I am just about done with my fundraising, but Brent needs a little more if you can, please help him out a little!

Then, Miss Megs (my cousin) and I are going to BERMUDA! She and I were planning on going to Spain right before I got sick....and it's about time we went away together. I just booked my flight today, so let the planning begin!!

That's all for now....

Thursday, March 26, 2009


The 6 month scan showed a decreased size of my lymph abmoral masses or lymph signs of cancer!
Enough said.

Friday, March 20, 2009

It's Scan time

I flew back from the east coast last night landing at about 8 pm PST, so I was beat. I tried to reschedule my CT scan today, but wasn't able to. I woke up at 6 am to drink one bottle of contrast....

I wouldn't say it tastes bad, but it certainly doesn't taste good. I try to just chug it, but my body starts to reject it's a slow process. I laid down for the next hour, tried to go back to sleep, but that wasn't possible. I had been fasting as well so all I could hear was my stomach turning over and over. At 7:30 I started drinking the second bottle. The scan went off without a hitch at about 8:30am. I was also injected with some iodine as well. I was told to go home and drink a lot of water, I need to flush out my body. I should have the test results back early next week.

I must say, I am more tired then I have been in a long time. I dove right back into work and this last trip threw me way off. I think it's the time change and the inability to go to sleep at a normal hour. I will be home for a few days, so I am looking forward to getting some good rest. Brent and I are hiking on Saturday, so we will update that website as soon as we can. If you haven't checked it out yet, please do!! All I need is 50 of my friends to donate $32 and I have reached my fundraising goals AND you all will have a part in helping someone else make it through treatment.

Please feel free to stay up to date on how our hikes are going so far....

Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm Back!!

I can not even begin to tell you how it happened, but long story short I accidentally deleted my blog. The second I hit enter, I knew what I did. I just fell apart. I know that losing these records of my treatments doesn't change what happened, but it was my only history. I can't remember a lot of what happened, not sure if it was the drugs or my mind just choosing to do so. Either way, I am so happy it is back and I owe it all to my cousin Chris. He worked at google and was able to talk to someone there. I had put in requests, but I think his extra pull make it all happen....Chris, THANK YOU!!!

I can't quite recap everything that you all missed. To keep it short, my blood results were clear and I have a CT scan on the 20th. It will be a big benchmark to hit and a great indication on how my body is doing.

I can't write anymore, I am too excited!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So, the time finally came when I have enough energy to run around a little. I knew Bethany's baby shower was coming up...I had the time and I found a cheap direct flight. I couldn't resist. After some planning with her sister and mother - the surprise was on. It was hard for all of us and her husband Brett to not want to spill the beans, but it all fell into place so nicely! She had NO idea.

I came into the house and she was at the fridge filling up water, so I just covered her eyes. She had no idea who to guess, she turned around and the look on her face was priceless. (we should have taken a photo, but we didn't think about that, more just the surprise). She smiled and then you could see it click....her face just lit up! Thank goodness Brett was standing next to her to grab the water jug out of her hand before it fell to his newly finished hardwood floors!!

There were lots of laughs and I was so happy to be there to show my support.

On another note, I am going in for blood work tomorrow. The cycle begins again. I am seeing Dr. Chen on Monday (I think Brent has the day off, so I will have some company)...and we will schedule my next scan. I am not to sure how I feel about this next scan. I know I fell good, I am not tried weak, I am usually just tired from doing to much. I know the first year is the highest chance of the Cancer returning and I am only half way through that.....I will keep you posted.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Birthday Time!

So January 26 came and went without a hitch...I am officially 30 years old! Crazy thought, but at the same time my 29th year of life wasn't so great. There has been a lot going on in my life, so I will break this up into a few posts.

First, during treatment, I had my life to do list. I didn't want to just travel for work, I needed to make time for myself and to be with my family. One big trip we talked about was Vegas for my 30th. As the date approached, I wasn't really feeling up to going. I was tired and had been pushing myself a lot......after a few conversations with Matt and Adam I realized that answer wouldn't do. We had to go to Vegas as planned and as I dreamt about when I was sick. Both Adam and Matt flew in from New York and the rest of us drove from Orange County. We didn't spent much time gambling. My goals while I was there was to indoor skydive and to see a show. I didn't care how we filled up the rest of our time. We had a fantastic time, great memories and great people.

Here are a few photos of us living it up, Vegas style....

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Thank you!

Thank you all for being there, it's good to know that this blog can help others as much as it helps me. I have a doctors appointment in a few weeks and we will be scheduling my next PET scan. It is a bit nerve racking for sure. I question how much I am doing every day and if I am pushing myself to far. Getting sick was the best and worst thing to ever happen to me....I have realized how much my mind truly plays in my health as well as surrounding myself with the best people in my life. It stinks that something has to happen for you to realize that.

I am also in need of another haircut, it's getting pretty fuzzy. I will post a picture of the new hairdo after I make my appointment.

Keep laughing...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Anyone there?

I have no idea if anyone even reads this anymore - if you do, please let me know?!? Brent thinks I am the only person that comes on if that's the case, I will just write my thoughts elsewhere :)

So, to anyone out there, the days have been long. They are much longer then I remember or maybe my body just isn't quite ready for them. I still try to take it one day at a time and each week is getting a little better then the week before. All the holiday travels caught up with me this week and was just feeling really drained. I am doing my best to recognize that and stop.

My team and training efforts are coming along well. I am impressed with how many people have stepped up to give back to a great organization. Thank you for that!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Challenge

A co-worker, Patricia, suggested joining her for a Team in Training meeting last night. I am sure a lot of you have heard of them? I had always wanted to get involved, but when I was asked this time it was deeper then that. I knew I had to go. I called Brent and without hesitation, he agreed to go as well. We sat in the meeting and just looked in awe at all the activities we could take part in - triathlons, marathons, bike rides, hikes. Most of the events are within the next few months, so we took into account what I might be able to do.

A few weeks ago, I talked about my life to do list and hiking the Grand Canyon was on my list. When Brent and I saw that on the list, we knew that's what we wanted to do!!

I don't look at the fundraising as something that anyone should feel obligated to do...I just know that when my friends or family got sick, I never knew what I could do to help. Organizations like TNT work directly with families and patients. They are a great resource AND they are helping to find a cure.

I know I was one of the "lucky" ones to have on gone through 7 months of treatment, but others are not so lucky. Brent and I are hiking either a 1 day or 4 day hike the end of May. This will be a celebration of us, of life and thanks of all those who have supported me every step of the way.

If you want to help us and TNT, feel free to check out my fundraising page:

Thanks and Cancer SUCKS!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Minus all the Christmas festivities, I figured it was time for a health update. So far so good, to be honest. I am taking every day as it comes. I'm trying not to worry about anything beyond the here and now. I am getting stronger each day, but still know I have a long way to go.

It hit me today....I was getting on a shuttle to go to the rental car locations. I was carrying some bags for work and realized I had to lift them a few feet off the ground in order to get them onto the shuttle. Back in my time, I was a strong girl, there wasn't much I couldn't lift. I tried to get the bag off the ground and wow was it heavy. It was probably about 35 pounds or so. I seriously didn't think I was going to make it.I was holding my breath and trying with every ounce of my being to get the bag on the shuttle. (I was getting on in the back door, not up by the driver.) A nice man stepped in to helped me, because I was obliviously struggling. When I finally sat down, my heart pounding in my chest from the "workout", I tried my best to not start crying. I just held back the tears.
When you are so independent, then getting sick and becoming dependent, it's a hard reality to swallow. What's harder is when you think you are dependent again, but yet when challenges come up (like lifting something) you realize how dependent you still are......

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Holiday Season

I am still missing a lot of pictures, but figured I would entertain you with a few I have so far. The trip back east was filled with lots of exciting times, good friends, family, traveling and lots of down time. I quickly realized that my body can't do everything I wanted it to I kept it pretty easy. I'm sorry if I wasn't able to see you at all or much while I was there, next time I will be back to "normal". Enjoy part one, part two will come when I get more pictures from family :)