Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So, the time finally came when I have enough energy to run around a little. I knew Bethany's baby shower was coming up...I had the time and I found a cheap direct flight. I couldn't resist. After some planning with her sister and mother - the surprise was on. It was hard for all of us and her husband Brett to not want to spill the beans, but it all fell into place so nicely! She had NO idea.

I came into the house and she was at the fridge filling up water, so I just covered her eyes. She had no idea who to guess, she turned around and the look on her face was priceless. (we should have taken a photo, but we didn't think about that, more just the surprise). She smiled and then you could see it click....her face just lit up! Thank goodness Brett was standing next to her to grab the water jug out of her hand before it fell to his newly finished hardwood floors!!

There were lots of laughs and I was so happy to be there to show my support.

On another note, I am going in for blood work tomorrow. The cycle begins again. I am seeing Dr. Chen on Monday (I think Brent has the day off, so I will have some company)...and we will schedule my next scan. I am not to sure how I feel about this next scan. I know I fell good, I am not tried weak, I am usually just tired from doing to much. I know the first year is the highest chance of the Cancer returning and I am only half way through that.....I will keep you posted.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Birthday Time!

So January 26 came and went without a hitch...I am officially 30 years old! Crazy thought, but at the same time my 29th year of life wasn't so great. There has been a lot going on in my life, so I will break this up into a few posts.

First, during treatment, I had my life to do list. I didn't want to just travel for work, I needed to make time for myself and to be with my family. One big trip we talked about was Vegas for my 30th. As the date approached, I wasn't really feeling up to going. I was tired and had been pushing myself a lot......after a few conversations with Matt and Adam I realized that answer wouldn't do. We had to go to Vegas as planned and as I dreamt about when I was sick. Both Adam and Matt flew in from New York and the rest of us drove from Orange County. We didn't spent much time gambling. My goals while I was there was to indoor skydive and to see a show. I didn't care how we filled up the rest of our time. We had a fantastic time, great memories and great people.

Here are a few photos of us living it up, Vegas style....