Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Boston has a successful appointment; in terms of success, we think it was! On a basic assessment, he passed basic neurological function tests, so there was no cause of alarm. We were very happy to hear that. We did get rejected from pet insurance, so if they said he needed an MRI, would of cost us close to $1500! Of course we would have done it, but very happy we don't.

The plan is to up his medications. The Doctor advised us of adding in Potassium Bromide ( It is a much safer epilepsy drug treatment. He will be front loaded with the drug for the next few days to allow his blood levels to stabilize faster. We will then bring him to a normal dosage. He will continue to take the Phenobarbital. If he is able to go 6 weeks without a seizure, we are going to explore moving him 100% to the Potassium Bromide. That is what i would like, but it's truly up to Boston and how his body handles everything.

This past weekend we watched the Horns defeat UCLA at the Rose Bowl. It was Greg, Lara, Tim, Brent and I - such a great group!!
Here are a few pictures:
Texas Game

Monday, September 12, 2011

Next stop, Neurologist...

Boston has had a seizure (or what we think are seizures) on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday of this past week. Each of them about the same. He always knows they are coming and we too know the signs. We are taking him to see a Neurologist, Dr. Hanson, on Monday of next week - it was the earliest we could both get there (Brent and I). We will keep you posted after the visit.

I went in for blood work about a week ago and it all came back within normal range! Next step for me will be full body scan in Decemeber.