Monday, June 20, 2011

Fun with Boston

Boston is adapting very well to his new home. He is playing catch well, met some new friends (Menlo - puggle and Bella - min pin), and riding a bike!

We think he has some training before he came to us - he knows a lot more than we initially gave him credit for! We have found a few dog classes we want to take him to. One starts this week, but until we get all his paperwork (shots etc) we can't take him. So, hopefully they come soon!

Here are some of our upcoming goals:
- Moving his sleeping location out of our room and into the hallway. He will still be in his crate....
- Responding more to his name, he does come to "come"
- staying on his bed while we eat. It's hit or miss and the fact that he is a hit makes us realize that was his old pattern. Just us being too weak (he does have a cute face!)
- laying down on command

This week, Brent is back to school. It's just Boston and I all day. So far, so good!

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