Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So what have I been doing??

That seems to be the common question lately and to be perfectly honest, I have no idea. The news of still being cancer free has set in and I am much more relieved as the days go by. Traveling has slowed down a bit so I am able to actually plan some real vacation time.
Next on my agenda is Berkeley!! It's Katerine's Baptism! she is!

Next will be the Grand Canyon (May 16th weekend) for Brent and my big Team in Training adventure. Here we are on one of our last hikes:
I am just about done with my fundraising, but Brent needs a little more if you can, please help him out a little!

Then, Miss Megs (my cousin) and I are going to BERMUDA! She and I were planning on going to Spain right before I got sick....and it's about time we went away together. I just booked my flight today, so let the planning begin!!

That's all for now....

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