Monday, September 20, 2010

Long Beach happenings

So a few things have been going on. The first I am very proud of! Brent installed, with the help of my dad's direction, a bathroom exhaust fan. Here are a few photos to explain the hard work. Here is the before shot...

Brent had to crawl up into a very small and HOT area to drill a hole in the side of the house....

The view from the bathroom up....

After a little wiring, we are up and running!

So the exhaust fan works and now our bathroom isn't a steam room! Big congrats to Brent for taking this on and a big thanks to my Dad for his patience :)

The other new thing in our life is this....

This purchase wasn't by choice. Yes we wanted a bigger car, but our Sentra needed a lot of work - so we had to make a decision. Thanks to the help of our buddy Tim Wong, we were well taken care of.

This weekend we booked all our flights for the wedding and honeymoon. It's getting closer!!

That's all for now :)

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