Sunday, December 7, 2008

Port Aftermath

Here is a picture of the port aftermath. As you can see, it's bruised and stitched. I finally took the tape off that was covering the stitches. I can definitely move my arm again, so I am happy about that.

Other then the port, Brent and I decided to take a LONG walk on the beach. We ended up doing 7 miles!! Crazy, I know. I was definitely cramping and getting tight at the end. It felt great though.

The trip to Atlanta went well, got a little tired, but nothing I can't handle. I am headed to Austin in a few days, looking forward to heading back to my old stomping ground. I doubt i will be able to do everything I want to do there, but just being back will be a breath of fresh air.


e said...

wow, that IS a long walk. you've come so far.... I'm so happy for you :)

@lx the gr8 said...

you can treat yourself to a breakfast burrito brunch while you're in austin!