Thursday, January 8, 2009


Minus all the Christmas festivities, I figured it was time for a health update. So far so good, to be honest. I am taking every day as it comes. I'm trying not to worry about anything beyond the here and now. I am getting stronger each day, but still know I have a long way to go.

It hit me today....I was getting on a shuttle to go to the rental car locations. I was carrying some bags for work and realized I had to lift them a few feet off the ground in order to get them onto the shuttle. Back in my time, I was a strong girl, there wasn't much I couldn't lift. I tried to get the bag off the ground and wow was it heavy. It was probably about 35 pounds or so. I seriously didn't think I was going to make it.I was holding my breath and trying with every ounce of my being to get the bag on the shuttle. (I was getting on in the back door, not up by the driver.) A nice man stepped in to helped me, because I was obliviously struggling. When I finally sat down, my heart pounding in my chest from the "workout", I tried my best to not start crying. I just held back the tears.
When you are so independent, then getting sick and becoming dependent, it's a hard reality to swallow. What's harder is when you think you are dependent again, but yet when challenges come up (like lifting something) you realize how dependent you still are......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We all need a little help sometimes. We may never want to admit it, but we all need a little help sometimes. Take it as it comes-you'll be there to help someone else one day. XOXO