Friday, August 22, 2008


So not too much is new on the health front. I had blood taken today and will be going in for my final chemo treatment on Tuesday. Overall, my energy level is back up, feeling good - just trying to hold back doing too much so that I am strong going into the final treatment. I just scheduled my appointment with my Radiation Doctor, Dr. Woodhouse. We will be meeting on Thursday of next week. I really wanted to get in as soon as I could to come up with a game plan. I know I will have to wait a few weeks before radiation starts - to get my counts normal, but the Dr. will be able to tell me how many weeks of radiation I will be having. Plus, to be honest, I know very little about the process; side effects, what is it, how long each treatment takes, where I will go for each treatment. I know I will be going daily, but that's about all I know.

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