Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cancelled Radiation

I went in to the office today and told them what was going on. They had me go see the doctor before my treatment and he is having me take the next two days off. He wants to give my throat some time to heal and prescribed a gargle that has Benadryl, Maalox and Lidocaine. It helps to numb most of my throat for about 5 minutes. He also told me start taking my vicodin again as well. There wasn't even a question about getting that down. Brent crushed it up and we put it in apple sauce - worst tasting apple sauce I've ever had! Brent and I went shopping and loaded the fridge with ingredients for smoothies, yogurts, jello, ice cream and lots of soups. I am hoping that these next few days will help it heal so I can finish up all my treatments next week.

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