Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Not too much new to report, that's a good thing, right? This past weekend, Jon and Monica came down to visit. We had a great time, we were able to help mom unpack and had some good 'ole quality time together. Monica is about 14 weeks pregnant now, so she is just starting to show!

My main goal over this next week is to get rest, stay healthy and to put on a few pounds. Overall, I have maintained my weight really well - I think years of learning how to maintain, lose, and gain has helped me a lot. I have no idea what to expect next week and if I will have trouble eating?? I am planning on not being able to eat too much, so the extra weight will help me not get too weak.

I am trying to get my life back a little. I went into the office twice already, only for 2-3 hrs. Just to feel "normal" and to get a few things done. It's great to be there and things get done a lot faster for me there...but at the same time, I end up socializing. Everyone there has been so supportive, its great to see them all again. Hopefully through treatment next week I can keep coming into the office once or twice and build from there. I am anxious to get back to where I was, but my body also lets me know when I take it too far. What ends up happening is I crash....I tried to help mom unpack this weekend (don't worry, wasn't carrying anything). I was just unwrapping things, taking the dog out etc. It was a total of about 4 hours of trying to help. The following day I couldn't move. It was like the day after chemo I definitely learned my lesson! I am trying to listen to my body cues and to sit down when I am being told to and to eat when I am told to....(this is my body telling me, not anyone else - I am subborn like that!)

I have my simulation on Friday as well as some blood work - next step is almost upon me!

1 comment:

Bethany and Brett said...

So .onica and I are only a week apart...whens her due date?? Two new additions at the same time for Auntie Erin! Love you girlie :)