After radiation yesterday, it started to hit....a tight throat and having a hard time swallowing. Tonight we went our for dinner and I definitely hit a moment of sheer panic. I know that I need to take really small bites and eat slow or if feels like I am trying to swallow pieces of glass, but this was worse then that. Have you ever "almost" choked on a piece of steak? When just a little air can get through? That is what it is like. Ben and Brent just looked at me, about to give me the heimlich, but air was getting threw, so we just waited. I could feel it going all the way down my throat and over an hour and half later, I can still feel it in my chest. From now on, I am staying with liquid and softer foods....if I decide to want to chew anything, it will be beyond a small bite.
Of course, yesterday I met with the Doctor, it was right after my treatment - right before I started having problems. That will be my first call tomorrow, because my goodness, this isn't a comfortable feeling.
Soup! Lots of soup! Also Instant breakfast with protein powder. Not as good as chewing, but better than choking!
pastas, soups, ENSURE (like your friend said) for your vitamins, think of it as the "wisdom teeth diet"
hang in there - you're closer now than ever to being all done
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