Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cardio Echo & No Hitters!

Everyone keeps telling me about Jon Lester's no hitter last night (on Graham's birthday). If you don't know who is he, he plays for the BOSTON RED SOX (best team ever and by the way - Yankees S^*K!) and he's a Hodgkin's Lymphoma survivor.

He is today's and everyday inspiration! Check him out! http://www.boston.com/sports/touching_all_the_bases

Now, back to business: Today was the cardio echo, Dr. Chen ordered this to establish a baseline of where my heart is functioning. One of the chemo drugs effects the muscle of the heart, so they just wanted to make sure it was strong before it all really starts.
I arrived at the hospital a little before 10 AM this morning. I guess the patient in front of me was late, so I wasn't seen until 11, even though my appointment was at 10:15. I am not one who enjoys being late, nor do I like the idea of being held up for someone else who is careless. But I got over it fast when I learned it was a little 2 year old girl who was petrified of the entire experience. I guess waiting wasn't so bad in comparison.

The technician was very nice, but let me just tell you - when you get sick with something like Cancer, lots of things get thrown out the door. Good thing I was a swimmer most all my life and I am not that shy, because my lord at least 4 people came into the room during the echo and I am half naked on the table! Lovely. Regardless, it was really cool to see your heart up there on the screen - I kept asking questions, but I had way too many and just stopped asking. I will have all the results in a week.

Tomorrow I have my weekly blood draw. I will also pick up my paper work for my handicap pass. I am not sure how long that will take to come in (but I would advise the planning ahead factor on this one). When I stop in the oncologist office, I am also going to ask about my bone marrow results. I am hoping they might be able to give me some answers - especially if I am already there. I will keep you posted.

Other then that, I am just really tired. I am still having a really hard time sleeping. My friend Sean gave me a book that is helping to center me a little and it's helping me to slow my mind down...so hopefully I can continue to apply that over the next few months.


@lx the gr8 said...

thank you jon lester for the inspirational performance and 41 points for my fantasy team.

Anonymous said...

Kali is to chicken to comment so I will. All of us here in the Savage household wish you the best and miss you!! Ian says hi, inbetween beating the crap out of Kali's ribs, stomach, bladder and whatever else the little moshers arms can reach. Only a month and a half to go. Hope all is going as well as it can. We all love you like family. I think that is it.

Tim, Kali, and Ian